- Turquía desarrolló un nuevo enjuague bucal para los tests de Covid (La Capital)
- A new sampling method was developed for PCR and Antigen tests. (Ekonomi Haber)
- A new sampling method was developed for PCR and Antigen tests. (Istanbul Times)
- Covid-19 tests with mouthwash and mouthwash are as reliable as those with a swab from the nose! (Quality)
- Exciting discovery from Turkish scientists about Covid-19! (Nokta Gazetesi)
- Turkish scientists developed... New method in coronavirus test! (Sabah)
- Turkish scientists developed: New method in Kovid 19 test (Turktime)
- The invention of Turkish scientists: Testing for Covid-19 with mouthwash (Hürriyet)
- Turkish scientists developed a coronavirus test with mouthwash. (Posta)
- Virus test with mouthwash (NTV)
- Corona test with mouthwash from Turkish scientists. (Sabah)
- Corona test with mouthwash instead of PCR from Turkish scientists. (Milliyet)